RRB Secunderabad NTPC Notification of CEN No. 01/2019 for Non-Technical Popular Categories. RRB Secunderabad Notification 2019 for NTPC, Para Medical Staff, Ministerial & Isolated Categories Posts.
The Indian Railway Reccruitment Board (RRBs) and Railway Recruitment Cell (RRCs) is going to be released a huge notification for Non Technical Popular Categories, Para Medical Staff, Ministerial And Isolated Categories and Level-1 Posts. Now a days the competition is very high when compared to the previous years. And there are so many candidates are applied for the railway jobs, because they can build their future safely. So, most of the people try to get the jobs in railways. In the month of February last week, the Railway Recruitment Board invites online applications from eligible candidates for the posts of
RRB Secunderabad NTPC Notification for 35,208 Non-Technicial Popular Category Posts of CEN. 01/2019
(a) Non Technical Popular Category Candidates (NTPC) – Junior Clerk cum Typist, Accounts Clerk cum Typist, Trains Clerk, Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Traffic Assistant, Goods Guard, Senior Commercial cum Typist, Senior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Account Assistant cum Typist, Commercial Apprentice, Station Master, etc.
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Important Dates:
Submission of Online applications starts from 28.02.2019
(b) Para-Medical Staff – Staff Nurse, Health & Malaria Inspector, Pharmacist, EGC Technician, Lab Assistant, Lab Superintendent, etc.
Important Dates:
Submission of Online applications starts from 04.03.2019.
(c) Ministerial and Isolated Categories – Stenographer, Chief Law Assistant, Junior Translator (Hindi), etc.
Important Dates:
Submission of online applications starts from 08.03.2019.
(d) LEVEL-1 Posts – i.e, Track Maintainer Grade IV (Trackman), Gateman, Pointsman, Helpers in various departments (Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and S&T departments), Porter, etc.

Total No. of RRB NTPC Vacancies – 35,208 in various categories
Age Limit:
In all railway exams, the railway recruitment board is asking a specific age limit. So, all the candidates, who are willing to apply for this posts need to be fulfilled the age criteria specified by the notification. For more details on upper and lower age limits prescribed for various posts, see the official notification published on the official websites of RRBs or RRCs.
Educational Qualification: See the official notification for complete details on educational qualification. Keep visit our website at least once per a day. When the RRB officials are released the notification, we will uploaded.
Examination Fee:
Pay Rs.500/- for Unreserved Candidates through Net banking/ Credit/ Debit/ SBI Challan/ Indian Postal Order, in this examination fees Rs.400/- will be credited to the applicants after completion of CBT exam and Rs.250/- for Reserved candidates, these 250/- rupees is also credited to the reserved candidates account after completion of your examination.
RRB Secunderabad NTPC Notification of CEN No. 01/2019 – Available Now